Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

I'm sure by now you've all heard of the infamous Malcor and his recent hacking activities where he was defacing Mac fanboy sites for 24 hours to prove some sort of point about Mac users having too much hubris. Well, as many people have suspected, it has finally been confirmed to be a hoax. The owners of the sites that were supposedly hacked (glennwolsey.com, macapper.com, and applematters.com) agreed to have their sites defaced as a publicity stunt. However, what they didn't count on was one of their own breaking ranks and revealing to everyone the truth about the supposed hacks.

Hadley Stern, over at AppleMatters.com, quickly realized that by pretending their site was hacked, they were causing severely negative press for the company that wrote their CMS as well as their hosting provider. Obviously, those two companies were none too pleased with what was going on. Hadley finally did the right thing and posted a public apology, which you can find here. By doing this, he was able to regain a small amount of integrity.

The two other perpetrators, however, have neither posted an apology to their readers, nor have they even acknowledged that truth of their actions. In fact, when their readers first accused them of the hoax, they were ridiculed! This is pathetic, and they should be ashamed of themselves. Not only did they lose all personal integrity, but they also cast a negative light on the Wordpress developers, as well as their hosts (MediaTemple hosts GlennWolsey.com).

At this point, it's obvious the Glenn Wolsey should not be a featured client of Media Temple. He is currently getting his hosting for free, and in return what does he do? He makes it appear that Media Temple is an easily hackable hosting platform!

If you think Glenn's free ride at Media Temple should stop, take a moment to send them an email and let them know why. Address it to the CEO of Media Temple, Mr. Demian Sellfors, and use the contact form at: http://www.mediatemple.net/company/contact_us/


Anonymous said...

I sent a reply to the CEO of media temple asking him if I could get free hosting through them and in return I will publicly claim on my blog that it is easy to hack into your servers.

Wolsey Watcher said...

Nice one! Hopefully we can keep the email to Media Temple going and show Glenn what happens when you insult your readers.

Anonymous said...

So you're taking the higher ground by setting up a flame blog? Good one.

Wolsey Watcher said...

I never said anything about taking the higher ground? It's funny when you idiots assume that I'm trying to prove I'm superior somehow. I'm not! I'm simply calling it how I see it. If that takes me down to their level, then so be it.

Anonymous said...

Given Glenn is a 9rules site, you can also leave your thoughts here:



Anonymous said...

seems the hack joke was kind of self deprecating humor..which is funny kind of right? or have we all lost our sense of humor here? i mean..the web host got angry...so what? this is a big blown out of proportion waste of internet space.

Anonymous said...

LMAO. If anything, "Wolsey Watcher", you're pathetic. Obviously no one can see the harmlessness in what happened. Why report it to MT? What the fuck are they going to do? Take his site down? They've been emailed plenty about it and the "problem" has been taken care of.

Glenn doesn't need to apologize. He was trying to help give away a bunch of apps and help build the MacHeist plot, but anuslickers like you take things too far and believe that the malcor scheme is armageddon.

I find it to be a bit sad that you spend so much time caring about a 15 year old. It's incredibly pathetic that you care so much about what he does. Get the fuck over yourself, and him, and shove an ice cream cone up your ass.
